First-time local production of erectile dysfunction drugs in Pakistan


For years, Pakistan has grappled with the issue of sildenafil citrate, the famed remedy for erectile dysfunction. Despite its widespread use globally, the drug faced staunch resistance in Pakistan, remaining illegal and forcing users to resort to the black market.

However, recent developments indicate a significant shift in policy. The Drug Regulatory Authority of Pakistan (DRAP), after extensive deliberation, has taken the groundbreaking decision to permit both local and multinational companies to manufacture sildenafil citrate (erectile dysfunction drugs) domestically.

When and How:

This landmark decision came to light following the 151st meeting of the DRAP Policy Board, chaired by former federal health secretary Iftikhar Shallwani.

Attended by representatives from all provinces, industry stakeholders, and DRAP officials, the meeting culminated in a consensus to grant registration for sildenafil citrate production (erectile dysfunction drugs production)locally in Pakistan to reduce the cost of the drug for local consumers or patients .

The decision marks a departure from the previous stance, reflecting a more nuanced approach towards pharmaceutical regulation in Pakistan.


The implications of this decision reverberate across the pharmaceutical landscape of Pakistan. With local production now on the horizon, the accessibility and availability of sildenafil citrate are poised to undergo a transformation.

No longer relegated to the shadows of the black market, the drug will find its place on the shelves of pharmacies across the nation. Moreover, the move holds promise for local pharmaceutical companies, opening avenues for growth and innovation in a burgeoning market segment.


The decision holds both regulatory and societal implications. From a regulatory standpoint, it signals a willingness to adapt policies in line with global pharmaceutical standards, fostering a more conducive environment for drug manufacturing and distribution.

On a societal level, it addresses the healthcare needs of millions of individuals grappling with erectile dysfunction, providing a regulated avenue for accessing treatment. Additionally, by curbing the influx of smuggled drugs, the decision aims to mitigate associated risks and ensure quality control.


In embracing the local production of erectile dysfunction drugs (sildenafil citrate), Pakistan embarks on a path of progressive reform in its pharmaceutical sector.

This pivotal decision underscores the government’s commitment to addressing healthcare needs while fostering an environment conducive to pharmaceutical innovation.

As the nation prepares to navigate this paradigm shift, stakeholders must collaborate to ensure the seamless implementation of regulatory frameworks and uphold standards of quality and safety in pharmaceutical production and distribution.


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