MUHAMMAD YASEEN KEERIO is written in the picture

Birthday ! Celebrating Another Year of Life and Creativity

Today, I have the joy of celebrating another trip around the sun. Yes, it’s my birthday! As I reflect on the past year and look forward to the adventures ahead, I want to take a moment to share this special day with you, my online community.

Today, in 2023, I celebrate my 49th birthday, a significant day that carries the weight of history and family heritage. Born on September 20, 1974, I emerged into the world as the first child of my parents, Khair Muhammad and Mithal.

However, my arrival was a beacon of hope after a series of heartaches, as my parents had previously lost six daughters at birth. As the first son after six sisters who tragically left this world too soon, I became the embodiment of their dreams and aspirations.

My father, Khair Muhammad, and my mother, Mithal, shared a deep and cherished bond. They were not only life partners but also cousins, adding a unique layer to our family’s story.

My mother, Mithal, was the beloved fifth daughter of Wadero Murad, the largest landlord of Deh 17 Fareed Keerio. Wadero Murad was renowned for his kindness and love for humanity, leaving an indelible mark on our family’s values.

On the other side, my father, the son of landlord Lakho Jam, continued the legacy as a landlord in Deh 17 Fareed Keerio.

This rich familial history and the love that surrounded my birth have shaped my character and instilled in me a deep appreciation for the importance of family, heritage, and the profound impact of love and resilience.

As I mark my 49th birthday, I carry with me the stories and legacies of those who came before me, and I look ahead with gratitude for the unique journey that lies ahead.

So, welcome to my personal website, where we celebrate life, creativity, and the beauty of another year.